Development of bespoke models to manage disruption across all organisational levels and the full spectrum of event management support.

We provide models that manage disruption to ensure impact is reduced at both the operational and customer service level, by defining clear roles and responsibilities from the outset. Our expertise in major events has helped shape planning in the areas of resource, performance improvement, crisis and contingency, for award-winning commissions such as preparing the London transport network for the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Disruption Management Case Study

Research into De-Icing of Conductor Rail

In 2021, North Star was selected by the Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) to analyse
Network Rail’s approach to reducing delays caused by ice on conductor rails. The
RSSB became aware of North Star’s expertise through a previous report prepared
for London & South Eastern Railway.

Network Rail’s existing strategy relied on dedicated trains to apply Anti-Icing Product
(AIP). The RSSB requested an evaluation of this method compared to alternative
practices, such as those used by London Underground, where service trains are
equipped to distribute AIP.

We performed a thorough analysis, including:

  • A review of international best practices and academic research
  • A detailed analysis of five years of ice-related delays in the UK
  • Recommendations for adopting more efficient methods, such as integrating AIP distribution into service trains.

The final report was well-received by the RSSB, who appreciated the comprehensive
research and practical recommendations. Our work strengthened its relationship
with the RSSB and industry partners, positioning the company as a trusted
advisor for future projects.

Working with North Star has been a pleasure. They delivered a small but complex project
for us and have shown great determination and flexibility in getting us past
the finish line. Throughout the project they have stayed close to us,
communicating openly and regularly, identifying challenges and bringing
solutions to the table.

Andrew Gleeson, Senior Research Analyst, Rail Safety and Standards Board

Major Events Case Study

Docklands Light Railway

North Star was commissioned to assist Serco Docklands in their preparation for the 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic Games. With extensive knowledge and experience of ‘best in class’ rail services, our consultants offered tailored and innovative operational solutions to meet the requirements of this unique event.
We helped deliver a highly motivated and customer focused team of Serco Docklands staff (core and temporary), detailed and specific contingency arrangements for the management of incidents, and a great travel experience for Olympic spectators.

For the 16 days of the Olympics, the DLR carried over 100% more passengers than the same time in 2011. It carried over 20% more passengers than were forecast on most days and set new passenger records on every day of the week during the Olympics. Train availability against the plan was 100% on all days, service reliability performance averaged at 99.1% and service departure performance averaged at 99.0%.

World-Class Reliability During the Games and Beyond

The DLR needed to provide world-class reliability; to maintain and improve upon an excellent level of performance despite the additional pressure on infrastructure that required maximum train availability and leverage of timetable opportunities to transit up to double the usual passenger numbers.

North Star was able to provide valuable assistance to the Performance Improvement Team to help them realise their improved targets. We helped to implement the governance process, especially in the areas where the greatest performance loss was being experienced. Almost all performance work conducted by North Star for the DLR has legacy value beyond the Olympic Games, including processes, project plans, databases, analysis and meeting documentation.

Being Prepared for all Eventualities: Being Prepared to Welcome the World

North Star’s support in preparedness included the following elements:

  • Command and Control – Summary of processes in a simple chart showing clear communication channels.
  • Contingency Planning – Creation of train service contingency plans for every time of day.
  • Managing Disruption – Creation of a Service Delivery Handbook to help minimise disruption to customers.
  • Control Room Readiness – Review of Control Centre processes and creation of a Control Manual.
  • Crisis Management – Development and testing of a Crisis Management Plan.

Being People-Ready: Providing the Best Customer Experience to Visitors

The DLR aimed to provide spectators with the best customer experience to ensure they got to and from Olympic destinations in an informed and assured manner. North Star advised on staffing and customer communications; vitally important in ensuring the best possible customer experience for Londoners and visitors alike. We were engaged from a very early stage to identify required resources and to devise a plan for recruiting and training additional staff to cope with increased service running and anticipated customer demand.

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