Sara Vaughan
Senior Consultant – Customer Experience
Sara is an international transport customer service specialist with experience in customer service and operations, rail franchise strategy development, business improvement and technical bid writing and evaluation. She has a record of dynamic and robust frontline delivery across multi-site locations at London Underground and First Great Western (now Great Western Railway). Over the past 15 years, as a consultant, Sara has provided strategic and specialist advice and project management support to companies, often operating within challenging operating and commercial constraints across the global rail industry, from train operating companies to rail bid teams and the UK Department for Transport. Her experience gives her leading-edge knowledge of current global industry best practice, including innovative technologies. Sara has led technically complex bids and acted as a Lead Evaluator on behalf of the Department for Transport.
Projects include:
- Providing specialist stations advice to West Coast Partnership Development
- Acting as Lead Evaluator on behalf of the Department for Transport, undertaking evaluations of train operating companies’ performance in delivering their Emergency Recovery Measures Agreements/Emergency Measures Agreements in relation to customer experience activities
- Leading the editorial team to develop a customer’s bid to provide Command, Control and Signalling and Traffic Management Systems to High Speed 2
- Managing and writing a customer’s bids to provide rail replacement and taxi management services to UK train operating companies.